It has been a busy 2022 field season for EWA, and our field work is nearly complete. The project funding we received this year came from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk (AFSAR), New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund (NBETF), and New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund (NBWTF).
AFSAR Project and Esgenoôpetitj Aquatic Monitoring Program (AMP)
The season started with the AMP being implemented at ten sites within the Burnt Church River watershed, during the period of August 19 - 24, 2022. This work was funded by DFO. At the sites with wadeable streams, the field work followed the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) protocol, which includes, benthic sampling, water sampling (E. coli and Water Chemistry), and channel assessments. In addition, sediment sampling and fish habitat assessments were completed at each of the locations.
We also received funding from NBWTF to expand the sampling program to include water and sediment sampling from five additional sites within the Burnt Church River watershed, and two additional benthic assessment sites. These additional locations including Diggle Point, Sipu’ji’j, Green Bridge, Cement Bridge, and Morrison Brook, were sampled in September to October of 2022.
E. coli results for the Burnt Church Watershed, as shown in the map below, are all within the Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality, which is a single-sample maximum concentration of ≤ 400 MPN/100ml, except for EWA6 & BC5. At EWA 6 there is low water flow and it has signs of beaver activity and at BC5 we sampled the site before Hurricane Fiona in 2022.
Burch Church River Watershed E. coli Results
Tabusintac Aquatic Monitoring Program (AMP)
Funded through NBETF, we developed and implemented a Tabusintac Aquatic Monitoring Program. During August and September of 2022, we carried out water, sediment and benthic invertebrate sampling.
NBETF Tabusintac AMP Sites and E. Coli Results
The E. coli results in the Tabusintac river were all within Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality, which is, a single-sample maximum concentration of ≤ 400 MPN/100ml.
SeagrassNet Project
On August 30, 2022, EWA completed monitoring our eelgrass site at Diggle Point, with help from, our partners, Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee (MREAC) and Tabusintac Watershed Association (TWA). Our assessment included, determining eelgrass density, height, collecting eelgrass samples, and water parameters (temperature, pH, salinity, specific conductance). Data was also collected in the water, using a temperature and light data logger, from June 27, 2022, to August 21, 2022.
DFO Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP)
EWA joined TWA and MREAC to complete CAMP at sites in the Tabusintac River watershed, Esgenoôpetitj (Diggle Point and Green Bridge), and Miramichi River watershed. On August 5, 2022, September 1, 2022 and September 2, 2022, fish and crustaceans were collected with a seine, identified and counted. The fish and crustacean counts, water parameters, type of sediment and aquatic vegetation, were recorded at each site.
If you have any questions, please contact the EWA
This post may change over time to add/remove information as time goes on. Thank you!
Last updated: October 18, 2022